
Friday, February 24, 2017

United Kingdom: Talk on Potential for Geothermal Energy in South West of England

Geothermal energy – present and future (Plymouth University)

A Sustainable Earth Institute public talk by Dr Tony Batchelor, Chairman of GeoScience Ltd

Wednesday, 1st March
Lecture Theatre 2, Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University

(Courtesy  Plymouth University)
Geothermal energy harnesses natural heat stored within the Earth to provide constant energy sources that reduce or eliminate the use of conventional fossil fuels. The South West of England has long been known to have the potential to provide the highest underground temperatures at moderate depths and the best opportunity for power generation systems in the UK.

Dr Tony Batchelor, from GeoScience Limited, will set out the future of geothermal energy, particularly looking at the capacity and scope for the technology, and present the latest news on plans to develop - with partners Geothermal Engineering Limited - the first commercial geothermal power project near Redruth in Cornwall.

Come and hear how Cornwall’s hot rocks might re-energise the South West!

More information.........