
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ethiopia: Update on 500 MW Corbetti Geothermal Power Project

Geothermal resource for energy (Walta Information Center)

The Korbeti kebele is one of the areas that Ethiopia is working on by putting out a long term plan to utilize its geothermal potential.

The Korbeti and Tulu Moye geothermal project works that have been made official three years ago are part of the second Growth and transformation plan. By budgeting 2 billion and 4 billion to Korbeti (which will generate 500 MW) and Tule Moye (which will also generate 500 MW) respectively, an Icelandic company by the name of Reykjavik Geothermal (more information) has started the work.

Recent information from Ethiopia Geological Survey show that two companies by the name of Berkeley Energy and Iceland Drilling are currently constructing road, water and other infrastructures in Korbeti kebele in order to start the work to generate 500 MW of geothermal power.