
Thursday, November 10, 2016

USA, Idaho: Uncertainty for U.S. Geothermal Energy Industry After Trump Win

US Geothermal's (HTM) CEO Dennis Gilles on Q3 2016 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

Dennis Gilles - CEO, and Kerry Hawkley - CFO, give their views on the effect of the recent U.S. presidential election result on the geothermal energy industry

Dennis Gilles: With the recent election results that will be interesting to see how it plays out. I was asked on the NYSE Stock Exchange floor here a couple of weeks ago our view on the upcoming election and how that might impact us. And my response to them was when we have the President and the Congress not working together then that seems to be the most disruptive for our industry. Given the results of the election here in the US, we now have a President and the Senate and the Assembly that are all or the House representatives that are all of the same party, so we should have a good working relationship, which then should be beneficial. Now having said that, the incoming President has suggested that he's interested in some of the coal energy, we're not sure how that's going to carry over to geothermal or the continuing support of legislation that supports geothermal. So we're really in a wait and see mode and all I could do is speculate and I don't think you know I think that would be – wouldn’t be right.

Kerry Hawkley: The other comment I'd make is what we've seen from corporate off takers is that they're really front running this, their corporations that want clean energy so these are the Googles, the Apples, anybody that's running server farms, Tesla. Those kind of folks are out there looking for clean energy despite what the federal government is doing so. I don't think what happens with the clean power initiative is really going to change that.

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