
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Iceland: 'Thor's Hammer' Helps Geothermal Deep Drilling Project

Iceland is using 'Thor's hammer'  to harness the power of MAGMA: Drilling rig begins work on 3 mile hole to harvest geothermal energy (Daily Mail)

Iceland is using 'Thor' (pictured) to harvest geothermal energy. The Iceland Deep Drilling Project's rig is drilling three miles into old lava flows in Reykjanes with the hopes of producing the hottest hole in the world with temperatures anywhere between 752 and 1832 °F
Iceland relies on geothermal for 65 percent of its energy and one group is using 'Thor' to harvest more of this power source.

The Iceland Deep Drilling Project's rig is drilling three miles into old lava flows of  Reykjanes, with the hopes of producing the hottest hole in the world - temperatures between 752°F and 1832 °F.

If successful, experts believe this achievement 'could lead to a revolution in the energy efficiency of high-temperature geothermal areas worldwide.'

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