
Friday, September 23, 2016

Mexico: Geothermal Energy Gets 2 Percent of Clean Energy Certificates in Electricity Auction

Renewables come in at $33.47/MWh in Mexico's second auction (pv magazine)

(Courtesy CIA.gov)
The preliminary results of the second long-term electricity auction in Mexico show that solar could be the big winner in the contest.

Of the total amount of energy awarded on Thursday, 4.9 million Clean Energy Certificates (CEL) (53%) were provisionally awarded to PV projects, 43% to wind, 3% to hydro and just 2% of CELs to geothermal energy projects.

In total, 9.3 terawatt-hours and 8.9 million CEL were awarded to solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric projects.

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