
Monday, April 25, 2016

Canada: Call for Demonstration Geothermal Energy Industrial Park in Valemount

Supporters pitch geothermal geopark (The Rocky Mountain Goat)

Craig Dunn, Borealis Geopower, speaking in Valemount
Representatives of Borealis Geopower were again in Valemount last week to let residents know about a unique opportunity which could make Valemount the “geothermal ambassadors” to Alberta and Canada.

On March 31st, Alison Thompson, this time representing Borealis Geopower, though she is also the chair and co-founder of the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association, and Craig Dunn, principal and chief geologist with Borealis, spoke to about two dozen people at a quickly arranged meeting at Three Ranges Brewing Company.

Borealis is applying for what Thompson is calling a “super fund.” It’s a joint program between a federal non-profit organization called Sustainable Development Technology Canada and an Albertan organization called the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation. Borealis’ project is to build a demonstration geothermal energy industrial park in Valemount, or a “geopark”.

Borealis is proposing a small power-generating project at the Valemount Community Forest’s Industrial Park in Cedarside, with other small businesses using the “waste heat.”

Borealis has the permit to explore the Canoe Reach area for heat high enough to generate electricity – over 80 degrees Celsius, though they want to find much higher. Dunn says that project is still three to four years off.