
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bolivia: Central Banks Funds Construction of 5 MW Laguna Colorada Geothermal Pilot Plant

Central Bank of Bolivia to provide loan for 65 MW of renewables (SeeNews Renewables)

Includes funding for 5 MW Laguna Colorada geothermal pilot plant

Laguna Colorada geothermal facility (Courtesy ENDE)

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) signed  a loan agreement on Tuesday with the National Electricity Company (ENDE) for the construction of 65 MW of renewable energy plants in Potosi department.

The bank will lend a total of BOB 849 million (USD 122.8m/EUR 108.5m) to ENDE to build the 60 MW Solar Uyuni photovoltaic (PV) plant and the initial pilot plant 5 MW Laguna Colorada geothermal facility. ENDE has plans for a 50 MW geothermal power plant in the full first phase expanding to 100 MW in phase two.

Currently, the country has approximately 40 MW of installed renewable energy capacity and in the period 2018-2019 it expects to reach about 500 MW of clean energy in total, the government said in a statement.

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