
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Djibouti: U.S. Navy Outlines Plans for Geothermal Exploration

A study in 2010 explored the potential for geothermal energy at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ).

The geothermal energy potential of Djibouti is estimated to be significant according to studies conducted intermittently since the 1970s, primarily by Djiboutian and Icelandic investigators. While the Navy Geothermal Program Office found no clear evidence of geothermal resources beneath or directly adjacent to the camp, it compiled a report detailing how to conduct a geothermal resource assessment/exploration process.

Dr. Kayad Moussa Ahmed,  Djiboutian Development Office of Geothermal Energy/EDD will be a speaker at the GRC International Session at the GRC Annual meeting & GEA Geothermal Energy Expo on Monday, September 21 in Reno, Nevada, USA.