
Thursday, August 20, 2015

New Zealand:

Hui (A Māori Assembly) About Geothermal Plant to be Held (Radio New Zealand)

22 August, Ngāwhā Marae, Kaikohe, New Zealand

People concerned about Top Energy's plans to further develop its geothermal power plant at Ngāwhā will have an opportunity to ask questions.

The Ngāwhā marae komiti, which signed a deal with the power company, said it hoped the initiative would lead to development at and around the geothermal field near Kaikohe.

The deal has raised concerns amongst some local Māori who are worried that it could damage the precious springs and threaten their Waitangi Tribunal Claim which the geothermal field is part of.
But komiti adviser Chris Webster said everyone in the community would be given the chance to have their say and ask Top Energy scientists questions.

"The marae komiti members will speak for about 10 to 15 minutes and then people can also ask questions of the scientists," Ms Webster said.

"So on the 22nd of August we're having a big hui at Ngāwhā Marae to celebrate the signing and the participation of the marae trustee committee and the hapū of Ngāti Rangi."

She said the project would lead to the creation of employment for people mainly in Kaikohe.