
Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Geothermal Provides Over 10% of Philippines Energy Mix (RenewablesBiz)

Courtesy CIA.gov
Despite government efforts to strengthen the Philippines' renewable energy (RE) portfolio, clean energy sources still lag far behind fossil fuels in the capacity mix, indicating that there is still a lot of room for growth for investment in this sector.

The latest Department of Energy (DOE) data show that the Philippines is still heavily dependent on coal, oil, and gas for its electricity needs, with non-RE resources comprising 67.10 percent of the country's capacity mix while RE accounts for only 32.9 percent.

  1. Hydro power - 3,543 MW of installed capacity or 19.75 percent of the energy mix.
  2. Geothermal - 1,918 MW (10.69 percent); 
  3. Wind - 283 MW (1.58 percent); 
  4. Biomass with 131 MW (0.75 percent); and 
  5. Solar with 23 MW (0.13 percent).

For non-RE resources, coal-fired power plants are on top of the list with 5,708 MW of installed capacity or 31.81 percent of the mix. In fact, 70 percent of the committed power expected to come online until 2019 are coal-fired power plants.

Oil-based power plants came in second in with installed capacity of 3,476 MW or 19.37 percent of the mix, followed by natural gas with 2,862 MW or 15.95 percent.

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