
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Iceland, France:

Geothermal Clusters in Iceland and France Agree on Cooperation (IceNews)

Mme Segolene Royal the minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy in the government of France is on an official visit in Iceland upon the invitation of Icelandic Foreign Minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson and Minister for Industry and Trade Ragnheidur Elin Arnadottir.

During the minister’s visit in Iceland, the Iceland Geothermal Cluster Initiative and its sister organization in France GEODEEP signed an agreement to cooperate in creating a framework of standardized model licenses for exploring, realizing, and developing geothermal energy resources.

This agreement is a landmark signing between the two clusters and could be used to create a general consensus for developing geothermal projects worldwide.

The Chairman of Iceland Geothermal Mr. Albert Albertsson – and Mr. Sylvain Broglie, Vice President of Marketing with GEODEEP, signed the agreement at the Blue Lagoon.

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