
Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Indonesia to Offer More Incentives for Green Investments (Jakarta Globe)

Geothermal power development is eligible for tax allowances

(Courtesy CIA.gov)
The Indonesian government plans by the end of this year to offer more incentives to local and foreign investors who use technology that reduces pollution and conserves energy.

The Environment and Forestry Ministry is finalizing policies that will provide the companies with soft-loan facilities, longer business permits and free import duties, said Siti Nurbaya, the environment and forestry minister.

The government has identified nine business areas that can contribute to environmental preservation and are currently eligible for tax allowance. These are the exploitation of geothermal power, refining and natural gas processing industry, organic basic chemical industry, agricultural industry, gas tube lights industry, power generation, clean water reservoir and purification industry, eco-friendly urban transportation industry, eco-tourism and waste management industry.

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