
Thursday, April 30, 2015


Unique Geothermal Fish Farm in Iceland (Fishing the News)

One of the most unique fish farms in the world is in Iceland. In Reykjanesbær the Norwegian company Stolt Sea Farm breeds Senegal sole using hot seawater that went unused to the sea a few years ago. The fish farm is the only one of it’s kind in the world.

At HS Orka geothermal power plant seawater is used to cool the turbines. In doing so the temperature of the seawater rises to 35°C. Stolt Sea Farm then brings it back down to 22°C which is the optimum temperature for raising Senegal sole.

Before Stolt Sea Farm came to be the cooling seawater was pumped out to sea along with excess geothermal water from the plant. When the cooling seawater is used by Stolt temperature in the wastewater pipe rises to 50-75°C. Stolt then pumps its wastewater back into the pipe cooling it back down. High temperature in the pipe lowers the risk of infection and live fish escaping from the farm.

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