
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

USA, California:

Q&A: How Can California Handle the Challenges of Renewable Energy? (Los Angeles Times)

Geothermal energy is alone among the renewable energy sources that has “dispatchablity” -- the means to quickly ramp up power delivery during peak hours or scale back when the grid has excess.

Gov. Jerry Brown and his allies in the Legislature want California to generate half of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, an increase from the target of one-third by 2020. However, making sure all that clean energy can be used when needed is a big challenge, because the state lacks adequate storage capacity.

Renewable energy can be difficult to manage because it is intermittent, and no one can control when the sun shines or the wind blows. Sometimes California ends up generating more energy than needed at any given time, and power plants need to be shut down. And it’s tricky to hold onto electricity until it’s needed.

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