
Thursday, February 12, 2015

USA, California:

Stanford renames Earth Sciences school to convey the breadth of its research and teaching

The new name – the Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences – reflects the school's focus on understanding the workings of the planet and helping address resource and environmental challenges facing the world.

The school is the home of the Stanford Geothermal Program led by the Thomas Davies Barrow Professor Roland Horne.

The Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences's research and teaching incorporate a range of geosciences, including geology, geophysics, hydrogeology and geochemistry; a range of resource engineering disciplines focused on oil and gas, geothermal, wind and wave energy resources, and carbon capture and storage; biogeochemistry, paleontology, geobiology and microbial biology; ecosystem and soil sciences; and geography, land and water management and resource economics.