
Friday, January 30, 2015

USA, Oregon:

Lava Amps: Tapping into Volcano Power (Huffington Post)

There's hot, there's really hot, and then there's volcanic lava hot. The Earth has plenty of lava bubbling away under its surface, which makes it worth asking if we should try to tap into volcanoes as potential source of limitless, pollution-free energy.

Scientists at Seattle-based AltaRock Energy/Davenport Newberry Holdings think so, and they plan to pump millions of gallons of water into the side of the dormant Newberry Volcano about 20 miles south of Bend, Oregon in the hope that it will return to the surface as steam that can be used to drive turbines.

In the Newberry project, engineers will pump 800 gallons of water per minute into a 10,600-foot test well (up to a total of 24 million gallons) and scientists will be observing to determine just how much water is needed to make the entire project economically viable.

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