
Friday, January 30, 2015

Australia, New Zealand:

Register for WGC 2015 - Earlybird Deadline is February 1

Only 2 days left before the early bird registration deadline for the World Geothermal Congress expires on 1 February 2015. If you have not registered for the Congress, do it now whilst the discounted rates are still available!

Program details

Visit our Program information page for details regarding the comprehensive range of sessions, recognized and eminent speakers and industry specific presentations.

Passport and visa information

Please note that all travellers to Australia, other than those holding New Zealand passports, need to obtain a valid entry visa prior to travel to Australia. For many nationalities (29 in total) an Electronic Visa or Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) can be obtained from your travel agent or airline when making your travel arrangements or directly online through the respective websites.

The Congress Organizers can provide you with welcome letters if required by simply emailing wgc2015@arinex.com.au following the completion of Congress registration.