
Thursday, November 20, 2014


Study Recommends Pursuing Geothermal Energy (swissinfo.ch)

Despite recent seismic events related to drilling for geothermal power sources, a new study has concluded that Switzerland should continue to pursue geothermal energy as part of its future strategy.

The study from the Centre for Technology Assessment TA-SWISS argues that energy production from geothermal sources is environmentally friendly, reliable and well-priced. However, the organisation also found certain risks involved.

Exploratory geothermal power projects in St Gallen and Basel were recently stopped after unusual seismic activity was found to have been linked to the drilling. However, despite those incidents, TA- SWISS urged Swiss officials not to write off geothermal energy as a power source too quickly.

Energy from the Earth: Deep Geothermal as a Resource for the Future? (PDF)

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