
Thursday, October 23, 2014

USA, Africa:

Geothermal Key to Powering Africa (OPIC)

By Stephen Morel, Climate Finance Specialist, OPIC

Power Africa Coordinator Andrew Herscowitz
at the GRC Annual Meeting
In the next three years, Africa is expected to see an unprecedented amount of geothermal power come online. Through President Obama’s Power Africa initiative, the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is poised to be a key player in unlocking the potential of geothermal on the continent. During the Geothermal Resources Council’s 38th Annual Meeting in September, attendees explored how best to develop and invest in African geothermal power initiatives.

During the conference, Power Africa Coordinator Andrew Herscowitz detailed the Obama administration’s strong interest in developing geothermal power in East Africa. Representatives from Kenya’s Geothermal Development Company and the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation discussed the opportunities in each country, including the areas within their countries rich in geothermal resources they are looking to develop.

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