
Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Where does Geothermal Fit into the Energy Landscape? (Energy Digital)

There has been much discussion about geothermal energy lately and just how it fits into the rest of the renewable energy landscape. As the fourth largest renewable (behind solar, wind, and hydro), geothermal energy is an often overlooked source of power that runs the gamut in terms of utilization.

Much of the outlook for the industry is positive as it begins to expand, but geothermal still may have a difficult time finding its place among the others.

Writing for Forbes, contributor Ken Silverstein believes that the advantage of geothermal is its lack of dependence on weather conditions, such as sunlight and wind. Silverstein also notes the importance of utility support for geothermal, some of which is currently in place and more of which is currently in various legislatures.

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