
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

USA, California:

State Grants Promote Modoc County Geothermal Development

The California Energy Commission is investing more than $4 million to promote the development of geothermal energy resources in northeastern California, Assemblyman Brian Dahle announced Monday.

Two major projects in Modoc County were the top rated in the Geothermal Grant and Loan Program’s latest funding cycle.

The top project statewide, $1.13 million awarded to Modoc County, will allow further geological research and economic-feasibility studies into the development of a geothermal power plant at the Surprise Valley Hot Springs, near the Nevada border. Researchers from the University of California at Davis have extensively studied the region’s hot springs, which hold great potential to turn the earth’s natural heat into clean, renewable electricity.

The Energy Commission also awarded nearly $3.2 million to the Modoc Joint Unified School District for a geothermal heating system for the schools and swimming pool in the city of Alturas, using a well that was previously drilled but hadn’t been put into use. Making use of this natural heating source will cut energy costs and ensure school dollars go to educating students instead of paying power bills. Other public agencies in the county have also joined a coalition to tap into the geothermal heating system.

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