
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

USA, Washington:

Washington State Outlines Plans for Carbon Trading (Responding to Climate Change)

Governor Jay Inslee prepares second attempt at developing cap and trade scheme in north west state

Washington appears to be the latest US state considering tightening its climate laws, with plans for a cap and trade system released on Monday.

A memorandum posted on Governor Jay Inslee’s website says design options on a carbon trading scheme will be presented by the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) later today.

The document suggests the northwest US state could link up with the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) trading scheme, which involves California together with the Canadian states of British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba.

According to the US Energy Information Agency, geothermal sources in its volcanic Cascade Range could “produce about 2.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year”, enough to power 265,000 US homes.

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