
Thursday, July 31, 2014

USA, California:

How California Could Power Itself Using Nothing but Renewables (Pacific Standard  Mag)

An avalanche of studies is concluding that the world could entirely power itself with renewable energy in the coming decades, doing away with fossil fuels and the pollution they produce—while slowing global warming. Mark Jacobson’s name has been at the top of many of academia’s contributions to this research.

For Jacobson’s latest intellectual chef-d’Ĺ“uvre, he co-authored a recent paper in Energy describing how California could capitalize on its abundant sunshine, on- and off-shore winds, tides, waves, and geothermal heat to abolish fossil fuels. Electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles would be recharged using the renewable electricity supplies.

To produce the 7,200 MW necessary for its projected share of powering the state geothermal would only require 0.0061% of the land.

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