
Thursday, June 19, 2014

USA, California:

Last-Minute Solar Deal In California Budget Draws Criticism From Both Parties (CBS Local)

The last thing lawmakers did as they passed California’s $108 billion general fund budget this week was take up a mysterious tax break for the solar industry.

SB871, which extends a property tax for solar credits through 2024, was never heard by a regular policy committee and the public had little chance to provide input before the Democratic Legislature rammed it through last weekend.

Sen. Mark Leno
Other alternative energy groups, including the California Wind Energy Association, U.S. Geothermal Energy Association and California Biomass Energy Alliance, said the tax break unfairly benefits one renewable energy technology. The solar industry is doing well, they said, while alternatives flounder.

Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, acknowledged ownership Wednesday in an interview with The Associated Press. Campaign records show that solar power companies and a building industry association backing the tax break contributed $11,500 last year to Leno’s lieutenant governor account for 2018, when he is termed out of the Senate.

Contact Sen. Mark Leno                Phone:  (916) 651-401

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