
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

USA, Nevada:

Ormat Hosts Tour of Geothermal Plant (Elko Daily Free Press)

The McGinness Hills plant averages 35 MWe of power production 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year

Ross Andreson/Elko Daily Free Press
Years ago, a cowboy was hired to scout rangeland in north-central Nevada for signs of underground geothermal aquifers, according to Bureau of Land Management Tonopah Field Office Manager Tim Coward.

As Coward tells it, the cowboy, referred to only by first name, Scott, rode horseback up and down the sagebrush slopes, happy to be out in the country. But he knew he couldn’t return to his employer empty-handed, so he picked a spot on a map and hoped for the best. Now that area, 10 miles north-east of Austin, houses a geothermal energy plant.

The McGinness Hills power plant, off Grass Valley Road, is operated by Ormat Technologies Inc.

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