
Monday, April 28, 2014

USA, Idaho:

Idaho National Lab Researchers Study Developing EGS (localnews8)

A team of researchers at the Idaho National Lab is working on Enhanced Geothermal Systems.

EGS taps into the heat flowing in the Earth's crust and transforms it into a source of electricity. Unlike wind of solar, EGS is more environmentally friendly.

A group of scientists who were researching hydraulic fracking in the Bakken formation in northern Montana are taking the tools they developed on that project and applying the physics of fracturing to EGS research.

The work is being done in Cassia county along the Snake River Plain.

"The potential for electricity generation, there's enough potential to make enough energy for the whole state and for the whole region," said Rob Podgorney, chief scientist in the Environmental and Natural Resource Management Division and GRC Member.

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