
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

USA, Oregon:

Second Production Well Planned For Olene Geothermal Project (OPB News)

Drilling for a second geothermal production well in the Olene Gap area near Klamath Falls is expected to begin next month.

Klamath-Basin-Geopower--Well-O-P2B Sump Installation from Klamath Basin Geopower on Vimeo.

Bill Honjas, president and CEO of Klamath Basin Geopower, the company developing a network of commercial geothermal production wells, said construction of the pad and site are complete, and drilling should begin in March. Drilling will take about two or three months.

The previous well, near Crystal Springs Road in the Olene Gap area, reached hot water with temperatures capable of generating electrical power commercially at a depth of about 6,000 feet.

Honjas said independent testing of the well indicates both water flow and temperatures necessary for commercially generated electricity were confirmed. The report from the well concludes fluid temperatures in the production zone are from 250 to 320 degrees Fahrenheit.

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