
Thursday, February 6, 2014

European Union:

European Parliament Wants 30% Renewable Energy by 2030 (reNews)

(Courtesy CIA.gov)
A vote in plenary yesterday by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to set a 2030 renewables target of 30% for the European Union (EU) has been hailed as sending a “signal that political will to support renewable energy solutions to the climate issue is strong”.

MEPs voted by 341 to 263, with 26 abstentions, to call for a 40% cut in CO2 emissions, a 30% target for renewable energy and a 40% target for energy efficiency under the EU’s new long-term climate-change policy.

These targets should be binding, they said. The MEPs also criticised the European Commission’s proposals, which were released last month and proposed a binding GHG target of 40% and a supposedly binding  renewables target of just 27%, as short-sighted and unambitious.

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