
Friday, February 21, 2014


African Hot Water: Obama’s African Electricity Initiative Debuts With Geothermal Proposal (International Business Times)

On a hot and dusty day in early February, a team of Icelandic scientists, American aid workers and global investors hiked across the rocky terrain of Corbetti, a village in southern Ethiopia. They were visiting the site of a massive geothermal project -- one that will be among the world's largest if all goes according to plan.

Shirts bearing the name of U.S. President Barack Obama are a common sight in Corbetti, a village located in Ethiopia's Rift Valley.  (Courtesy Jacey Fortin/International Business Times)
Trailing the group were dozens of boys and young men, mostly students and farmers from the community. Several of them wore shirts bearing the name “Obama” in big block letters. They weren't marking any occasion -- that same shirt can be spotted in rural areas all across the country, on men and women of all ages, in myriad colors -- but on that day, their attire was particularly appropriate. The geothermal project getting started in Corbetti benefits from Power Africa, a White House initiative calling for more than $7 billion in support for energy initiatives across the continent during the next five years.

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