
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

United Kingdom:

Manchester Leads Geothermal Energy Hunt (Manchester Confidential)

A new project is off the ground to provide cheap green energy in Manchester, England. Energy that does not depend on the whim of wind or waves, or whether the sun wants to poke its nose out from behind a cloud. GT energy, a Dublin-based company, have plans to develop a geothermal heat generating facility just off Devonshire Street in Ardwick.

Manchester City Council has given the go-ahead for the company to carry out detailed geological evaluations of the site.  GT Energy will spend the next ten days carrying out a seismic acquisition survey to help them finalize their designs. This involves machines making small vibrations in the ground which are tracked to map the structure of the rock beneath, a bit like a sonic x-ray of the ground beneath our feet. If everything works out, the site could be up and running by 2016, making it the first of its kind in the UK.

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