
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mexico, Italy:

Enel Green Power Aiding Green Growth in Mexico (News Release)

Enel Green Power has excellent prospects in Mexico thanks to a recent geothermal development agreement and a growing presence in the country’s wind power industry, with two plants under construction

Mexico is an extremely promising market for renewable energy investment, and Enel Green Power, which has been present in the country since 2007 and has five plants with a combined installed capacity of 197 MWe, is in position to play a crucial part in the sector’s growth.

Recently a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Enel CEO Fulvio Conti and the Executive Director of Mexico’s Electricity Research Institute José Luis Fernàndez Zayas which will see close cooperation in geothermal power and smart grids. As part of this agreement, both parties share knowledge and expertise through pilot projects, training programs and share technology.

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