
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New Zealand:

Geothermal Supermodels Project Gets Research Award (sunlive.co.nz)

A project to improve knowledge of New Zealand’s complex geothermal systems allowing better use of their energy potential has been awarded new research investment, Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce announced today.

GNS Science will receive $4,400,000 over 4 years to fund it's Geothermal Supermodels project.

The award is part of $278 million in new research investment in the biological industries, high-value manufacturing and services, energy and minerals, environmental, and health and society sectors.

GNS Science will be exhibiting at booth #209 at the GEA Energy Expo, run in conjunction with the GRC Annual Meeting, Set.29-Oct.2 at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

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