
Monday, August 26, 2013


Geelong Geothermal Project in Doubt After ARENA Rejection (RenewEconomy)

Greenearth Energy, based in Melbourne, Victoria, says the future of Geelong geothermal project is in doubt after it was denied funding by the Federal Government’s Australian Renewable Energy Agency.

Greenearth said its flagship commercial development opportunity, the 12 MWe Geelong Geothermal Power Project, has been unsuccessful in its expression of interest for funding under the Federal Government’s Emerging Renewables Program (ERP), which is administered by ARENA.

The Geelong Geothermal Power Plant is located near Geelong, approximately 11km North West of Anglesea, on the Holcim Ltd Moriac quarry site. The project has three planned stages; drilling to prove the local geothermal resource, constructing a 12 MWe demonstration plant, and if the demonstration project amounts, the development of a commercial plant.

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