
Monday, June 17, 2013

USA, California:

Opinion: How Can Renewable Energy Help Save the Salton Sea? (Desert Sun)

Assemblyman V. Manuel PĂ©rez
(Courtesy Desert Sun)
The Salton Sea has long been known as a scenic wonder and one of the most important wetlands for migratory birds along the Pacific Flyway.

But in recent years, the sea has also earned a reputation as California’s crown jewel of renewable energy resources, given its known geothermal reserves and its ideal conditions for both solar and biofuel production. In fact, a commissioned study by the Salton Sea Authority found that the Salton Sea area could produce enough renewable energy to power 6.5 million homes, generating over $5.3 billion annually for the local economy.

The geothermal facilities around the Salton Sea will be a feature of a GRC Field Trip after the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Expo in Las Vegas, Sept. 29-Oct. 3.

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