
Thursday, February 21, 2013


Iceland Looks to Export Power Bubbling From Below (New York Times)

Soon after work began here on a power plant to harness some of the vast reserves of energy stored at the Earth's crust, the ground moved and, along a six-mile-long fissure, began belching red-hot lava. The eruptions continued for nine years, prompting the construction of a stone and soil barrier to make sure that molten rock did not incinerate Iceland's first geothermal power station.

While the menacing lava flow has long since stopped and Krafla is today a showcase of Iceland's peerless mastery of renewable energy sources, another problem that has dogged its energy calculations for decades still remains: what to do with all the electricity that the country — which literally bubbles with steam, hot mud and the occasional cloud of volcanic ash — is capable of producing.

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