
Sunday, September 30, 2012

USA, Nevada:

Senator Harry Reid Supports Geothermal in Nevada (Reno Gazette Journal)

 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid 
(Courtesy Wikipedia Commons)
Gov. Mitt Romney recently announced that, if elected, he would let the renewable-energy tax credit for wind energy expire at the end of the year. This was bad news for the tens of thousands of Americans employed making wind turbines, towers and parts, but also for Nevadans because it signaled that Romney will likely also let the tax credit for geothermal energy expire at the end of 2013.

Today, Reno is hosting the 36th Annual Meeting of the Geothermal Resources Council and the Geothermal Energy Expo. This meeting and exhibition brings together experts to discuss the latest research in geothermal exploration, development and utilization. I hope every attendee considers the risk to the geothermal industry if Gov. Romney’s position were enacted.

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