
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

USA, Texas:

TCU geology professor awarded $500,000 grant toward geothermal research (tcu360)

Professor of geology John Holbrook.
(Courtesy TCU. Photo by Ola Bodurka)
Dr. John Holbrook, a Texas Christian University professor of geology, energy and the environment received a grant worth close to $500,000 from the National Science Foundation for research in geothermal energy.

Researchers will focus on researching harvesting geothermal energy from sedimentary basins.

“Effective mining of geothermal heat has the potential to provide enough energy to greatly alter the amount of energy in the United States grid that comes from renewable resources, “Holbrook said. “The earth constantly radiates 44 terawatts of power. In comparison, the entire U.S. grid capacity is one terawatt.”

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