
Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Zealand:

New Zealand Students Develop World-first Geothermal Video Computer Game (infonews.co.nz)

UC student Jacqueline Dohaney 
(Courtesy: University of Canterbury)  
Two University of Canterbury (UC) PhD students are fine turning their world-first geothermal computer game in preparation for the international serious games showcase and challenge at Orlando, Florida, in December.

They will be pitting their skills against the best from around the world using a computer game, Geothermal World; they have designed, with the help of Mighty River Power funding. It is believed to be the only free roaming 3D geothermal video computer game in the world.

``Geothermal World is designed to effectively teach students how to characterise or describe a natural geothermal site. They achieve this by exploring geothermal hot springs, making observations, recording these in a geologic notebook and taking photographs of the location.''

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