
Friday, August 24, 2012

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands:

Saipan Reissues RFP for Geothermal Drilling (Saipan Tribune)

Despite a 25-year deal to build a 50 Mw diesel power plant, acting governor Eloy S. Inos said the administration is still pursuing renewable energy development including re-issuing a request for proposal for geothermal energy drilling after running into some problems with a proposal earlier received from Australian-based KUTh Energy Ltd.

Inos said the geothermal energy development “kind of took a detour because we're not satisfied with the proposal to go drilling and on to production.”

“So we kind of scaled it back and we're going to do drilling and exploration. And once we get the data, then we examine the data and maybe at that time we will do an RFP for production. We're going to issue an RFP for the drilling (first),” Inos said in an interview with Saipan Tribune and KSPN 2.

The acting governor said KUTh “was the frontrunner in the original RFP.” KUTh was to do geothermal drilling exploration, and on to production. But Inos said they would like to separate the drilling exploration from production.

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