
Thursday, May 17, 2012

USA, Nevada:

Peppermill Resort Spa Geothermal Facilities Tour and Mixer (YPE Nevada )

~ May 24, 2012 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Join the Young Professionals in Energy Nevada (YPE Nevada) for a unique chance to see how local a local resort is utilizing clean Nevada energy and the opportunity to build your connections with other Nevada energy industry professionals.

All of the hot water used by the Peppermill's patrons, including the pools, is heated naturally from geothermal heat directly below the resort? At 6:00 we will start a tour and learn about the Peppermill’s geothermal facilities: what it took to build the facilities and the challenges that were faced, how does it fit into their business model, and how is it operated?

The Peppermill Resort Spa & Casino is the location for the 2012 GRC Annual Meeting from September 30-October 3. Tours of the Peppermill geothermal facilities will be part of the program.