
Monday, April 9, 2012

USA, Nevada:

Geothermal Feels Heat of Low Gas Price (Northern Nevada Business Weekly)

Low natural gas prices are pressuring development of new geothermal-power resources in northern Nevada.

But geothermal executives contend that natural gas prices are almost certain to rebound from their current levels — they’re at their lowest in a decade — and geothermal plants will allow utilities to hedge their bets for the next two decades.

The trend of natural gas prices is a big subject in Nevada, where the Geothermal Energy Association reported last week that 59 geothermal projects are at some stage of development. That’s more than any other state.

And nearly all of the geothermal projects that came on line in the United States within the past year were located in Nevada. Still, geothermal executives working in the state have plenty to worry about.