
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


(U.S. Global Change Research Program)

Energy Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts for Energy Education presents energy concepts that, if understood and applied, will help individuals and communities make informed energy decisions.

High Resolution Booklet
Low Resolution Booklet

Development of the guide began at a workshop sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in the fall of 2010. Multiple federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and numerous individuals contributed to the development through an extensive review and comment process. Discussion and information gathered at AAAS, WestEd and DOE-sponsored Energy Literacy workshops in the spring of 2011 contributed substantially to the refinement of the guide.

Intended use of the document as a guide includes, but is not limited to, formal and informal energy education, standards development, curriculum design, assessment development, and educator trainings.