
Friday, November 15, 2019

New Zealand: Employment Opportunity as Geothermal Power Plant Operators

Vacancy - Power Plant Operators - Eastland Group

Te Ahi O Maui geothermal station.
(Courtesy Eastland Group)
Location: Kawerau & Whakatāne New Zealand
Applications Close: 1st Dec 2019

We're currently looking for operators to join our Kawerau-based team, to operate and maintain our two geothermal plants.

Te Ahi O Maui is New Zealand's first major renewable power plant in nearly four years. It synched to the national grid on 1 October 2018, and is generating around 25MWe. Geothermal Developments Ltd (GDL), our other geothermal power plant, is generating 8MWe.

More Information and Apply........