Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Netherlands: New Data Made Available for Ultra Deep Geothermal Energy Resources

Five new SCAN studies for ultra deep geothermal heat (Scan Aardwarmte)

In September, several research studies were completed and five research reports published. These studies are primarily focused on Ultra Deep Geothermal Energy (UDG). This concerns geothermal heat with a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius or more found in the Dutch subsurface at depths of 4 kilometers or more.

Geothermal heat with these high temperatures can be used in various industrial processes and, as residual heat, for heating the built environment.

Limestone layers from the Dinantien, from the so-called Lower Carboniferous period, may possibly serve as a source for UDG. Because these layers are quite deep in the Dutch subsurface, few drillings have been done and there is limited seismic data available. As a result, there is great uncertainty up to now for this form of geothermal energy extraction. That is why SCAN carries out 12 research studies focused on these deep layers and on the suitability for UDG.

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