Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Croatia: Increasing Interest in Geothermal Energy Development

Čeka nas pravi val investicija u geotermalne izvore energije - A real wave of investments in geothermal energy is waiting for us (Poslovni dnevnik)

Nakon ugljikovodika u prvi plan u Hrvatskoj dolaze i geotermalni izvori, za koje vlada sve veći interes. Prije ljeta otvoren je poziv za istraživanje geotermalnih voda za lokaciju Karlovac 1, a upravo je pokrenut i postupak za dvije nove lokacije u Babinoj Gredi.

(From Google Translate) After hydrocarbons, geothermal sources are coming to the fore in Croatia, which is of increasing interest. A call for exploration of geothermal waters for the location of Karlovac 1 was opened last summer, and the procedure for two new locations in Babina Greda has just been launched.

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