Thursday, April 9, 2015


Civil Engineer Explores Use Of Geothermal Energy To Melt Ice on Bridges (University of Texas at Arlington)

A team of researchers from The University of Texas at Arlington is exploring ways to use geothermal energy to make bridges and overpasses safer during winter weather.

Xinbao Yu, an assistant professor of civil engineering, is the lead investigator on a 17-month, $193,000 grant from the Texas Department of Transportation that will determine the feasibility of using geothermal energy to melt ice and snow from Texas roads.

The researchers will evaluate available technology to harness geothermal energy and efficiently use it for de-icing. The process works by pumping groundwater through a circulation pipe to bring thermal energy from the ground to the surface. One end of the circulation pipe is embedded into the bridge deck, which warms to the point where ice and snow melt instead of sticking to the surface. The technology also could be used to cool road surfaces during summer months, resulting in longer life of the pavement.

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