Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Course - Introduction to Geothermal Drilling and Management (Society of Petroleum Engineers)

23 – 24 February 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia

Instructor Jonathan Hernandez
Led by GRC Member Jonathan Hernandez of Dewhurst Group LLC this two-day course will offer an introductory overview on Geothermal Drilling through various lenses.

The first will be a general refresher on an introductory level with a technical background. Secondly the course will focus on the difference between Oil and Gas Projects and Geothermal Drilling. Finally the course will cover Geothermal Drilling Management such as cross functional teams, project management with production and development as the goals; it will cover case studies around the world and differences in management styles in Geothermal Drilling Projects, and how they all affect the drilling progress and completion of wells. The course will be done with a classroom approach including possible quizzes and handouts as well as interactive participation.

Course Brochure (PDF)